Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Beginning

I once had a blog about recipes. I think I may have posted three times before I grew bored of the process of uploading pointless instructions and pictures. Let us see if this time around I can commit to doing this for real.

This blog is for those of you who have known me for years, and for those in the present who will fall into that category someday.

Those of you who presently have known me for years will understand the title of this blog more than those who have just stumbled upon it, and that is why I will take a few minutes to explain.

"Our Path Off Course" was constructed by me and my best friend Megan the other night. I feel that it sums me up better than anything in the world. I have never been one to conform or to go along with what the "norm" is. No matter who it was with, or where in this big world I was. I titled it "Our" instead of "Mine" because I now share my life with my wonderful husband who has the same philosophy, even though I doubt he will ever be a guest on this blog he is still a very important puzzle piece in my path.

Growing up I dressed up in petticoats and sang in front of the TV.  My mother had me tell her stories that we constructed into books (Peter and the Goats was my favorite). In school I colored my Thanksgiving turkey in tyedye, I wrote a "Christmas is. . ." poster in second grade and put "Christmas is not Jesus's Birthday" (which is a whole other topic for a much different time). My point being is I have always been a strong willed individual. I have ALWAYS marched the beat of my own drum. I have always been on my own path in life. I would always notice other kids were doing things "on course" with what our parents, teachers, coaches or any one else believed was the right choice. Then there was me. Stirring up what others thought was trouble and to me it was just me marching down my own path, coming up with other alternatives.

My parents (although I'm sure were nervous) allowed me to do so. I know at times my Dad was absolutely embarrassed to admit he knew me when we'd "create" outfits from the thrift store and parade around town. My mother always encouraged me to know my voice and to own my voice. Then there was my precious Grandmother who no matter how far away she was, was always there to answer my call and support me no matter how bizzare of a story I told her. Somehow even though I am adopted and in no way blood related that woman and I have more in common than me and anyone else that graces this Earth. The shenanigans she pulled when she was younger strangely sing a similar song to the ones I pulled.

Then there is my precious husband who of course I met on a unconventional pathway (we'll save that story for a rainy day). In recent days he has encouraged us to go along our own path, create our lives for each other and no other human, and for that I will never be able to thank him enough. I may even convince him to leave Texas and be adventurous with me somewhere else before we start a family. The options are endless.

So while I know there are a lot of people who are "on their course" and think I am absolutely out of my mind I know they haven't taken the time to go to Sonic with me, enjoy a limeade and a Coldplay CD. For the people who have taken that time I salute you and dedicate this blog to you. Because it is people like you who have constantly become important pinpoints on my timeline of life so far.

I hope this blog will open the doors of individuality for some. I hope it shows that being on your own path and living for yourself and not others can and will work.


  1. Oh my goodness! I have always thought you were awesome. I had sooo much fun the few months we were at college together. Leaving college to get married your freshman year is certainly not "acceptable", so I'm feeling you. ;) And if this is the same Grandma that I met that you speak of... I still think about that day sometimes and how hilarious and memorable it was! That was an awesome day! I will enjoy keeping up with you and your drum. :)

  2. Hope you enjoy blogging. Check out www.emptynesthomemaker.blogspot.com. That is my blog.
    Shirley Newton
