Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy Birthday MegMeg!!

It has been almost two months since I have posted a blog. That is a fail. I really wanted to try and do better but there is no time like the present to actually try hard to blog again!

Today is Megan's birthday. She is one of my favorite people and one of my bestest friendests in the whole wide world. Megan is one of the kindest/silliest people I have ever met and I'm SO glad God put us in each others paths. He knew she needed my crazy way of doing things and I needed her calm way of doing things and together we would have fabulous times in college. She is now in New Jersey far far away from me and that is sad. Thank goodness for Twitter/Texting & Airplanes! Notice how I didn't write phone calls? Yes, I found someone else in the world who hates talking on the phone as much as I do.
So on this 22nd day of October I dedicate my blog to Megan Murphy!
Now for a photo montage of our adventures.

I trust her so much I let her chop 12 inches off my hair once.
 Halloween Snack Time!!
 We "borrowed" a shopping cart once.
 Ohhhhh goodness what a fun time!
 She supported me when I felt like an ape.
And a normal picture of us before we decided to roadtrip in a Arkansas Ice Storm!

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